
Robotics Engineer
Master's course of Mechanical Engineering
My Interest : Robotics, Contorol Engineering, and Machine Learning
My Skill : C/C++, Python, MATLAB, Git, Ubuntu, ROS

My favorite : Camping, Mountaineering, Travel abroad, Diving, Creating robots.

My Works

Robots and things I have made.

Badminton Robot

This is a robot playing badminton. It took part in NHK robot contest 2015.

Inverted Pendulum

This is a robot that can balance by itself with LQR control theory.

Robotic Soccer System using KinectV2 Camera.

This is an automatic robotic soccer system using KinectV2 camera. The robot, the ball, and the field are detected by the camera on the ceiling.

Walking Robot using Parallel links

This Robot is made of studuino and parts we can buy at 100-yen shop. This is used as educational materials for children.

Agricultural Robot using GPS

Robot that can drive automatically using GPS. It was developed for agriculture.

Raft V3

I made this raft with my friends. We got on the raft in the Itachi river, Yokohama.

Robot Teaching System using Neural Network

This is a research for my graduation thesis. Using NN, we can teach the robot motions and forces.

Robot for Laparoscopic Surgery

This is a research for my master thesis. This robotic arm is driven by pneumatic actuators.

Robotic System for the Insertion Port Simulation

This is a robot that simulates an insertion port. It can simulates the insertion port by virtual impedance control using its xyz table and its force sensor.

Hybrid Robot / Eco Robot

These are robots for NHK Robocon 2016.

Robotic Light Systems for Turning Sculpture

I collaborated with nici, art unit, and developed light systems for turning sculpture. The angles of lights are precisely controlled.

Research on Deep Reinforcement Learning

These days I am researching Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Systems.


mailto : spaceshattlenxt[at]